How To Check School Proficiency Index Before Buying a House!

Statistics in real estate market show that homes in neighborhoods near high-ranking schools maintain a higher resale value. You can evaluate schools by checking School Proficiency index that is developed by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The school proficiency index uses school-level data on the performance of 4th-grade students on state exams to describe which neighborhoods have high-performing elementary schools nearby and which are near lower performing elementary schools. The school proficiency index is a function of the percent of 4th-grade students proficient in reading and math on state test scores for up to three schools within 1.5 miles of the block group centroid.

Values are percentile ranked and range from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the higher the school system quality is in a neighborhood. 

Data Source: Great Schools (proficiency data, 2011-12 or more recent); Common Core of Data (school addresses and enrollment, 2011-12); SABINS (attendance boundaries, 2011-12).



U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development